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Ralph Johnny

Johnny Ralph Ralph was a champion cyclist and a committed Communist Party member. He was born on 6th October 1931 at Hammersmith hospital and his family lived locally in the Acton and Hammersmith area. His father […]

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Russell Ralph

 Ralph Russell Ralph Russell was born on 21st May 1918 in Hammerton in North Yorkshire. He joined the Communist Party at the age of 16, when he was a scholarship boy at Chigwell School in […]

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Fox Ralph

Ralph Fox Ralph Fox, who was to become a major figure in British Communism, was born in Halifax, England, on 30th March 1900. Educated first at Heath Grammar School in Halifax, then Bradford Grammar for his last […]


Bates Ralph

Ralph Bates was born on November 3rd 1899 in Swindon. In his youth, he worked at a Great Western Railway factory but in 1917, he was in the British army, training soldiers to become used […]


Bond Ralph

Ralph Bond Born on 5th December 1904, Ralph Edwin Bond was a pioneer documentary film maker and life long Communist, whose passion for film began when he was just 12 years old, when he was […]