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Evans Chris

  Chris Evans Born Christopher Evans around 1912, Chris Evans became a miner employed at the Seven Sisters Colliery and was an active Communist trades unionist for much of his life. In his younger days, […]

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Evans Jack

  Jack Evans Born in 1920, Jack Evans left his studies at Bristol University in 1939 to fight as a commando in the Second World War. Having returned to his studies after the war, he […]

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Evans George Ewart

George Ewart Evans Born on 1st April 1909 in Abercynon, a coal-mining village north of Cardiff, Evans was one of a family of eleven to Welsh-speaking parents, His father was William Evans and mother, Janet, […]

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Evans Edgar

 Edgar Evans Born in 1900, Evans was an ironmonger with his own shop in Bedlinog, South Wales, in the north-east corner of Mid Glamorgan.   Hailing from Garnant, Carmarthenshire, Evans’ father was victimised due to […]

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Evans Glyn

  Glyn Evans Evans was a Communist Party member and miner who worked for the Labour Research Department in the 1920s. It is believed that he came from Garnant, South Wales. He accompanied miner’s leader […]

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Evans Danny

Danny Evans Evans came into contact with the Communist Party more by accident than design. He was walking down a road in Cardiff, reading the Daily Worker as he went, when he was spotted doing […]

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Evans John

John Evans Evans was a member of the Communist Party in Battersea and chair of the highly vigorous Battersea Tenants’ Association. This even made a film in 1961, entitled “H only for House”, a reference […]