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Stringer Edith

Edith Stringer Edith ioined the Young Communist League (YCL) when very young in the early 1930s. She and her brother and sister regularly went camping in an old bell tent at Hayfield, a picturesque village […]

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Tudor-Hart Edith (Suschitzky)

Edith Tudor-Hart Born Edith Suschitzky in Vienna in 1908, she grew up in radical Jewish circles. She was the daughter of an owner of a socialist bookshop, her younger brother being the celebrated cinematographer, Wolfgang […]


Bone Edith

Edith Bone Edith Bone was born Edit Hajós in 1889 in Hungary.  A medical doctor by training, she married Béla Balázs in 1913. From 1923 to 1933 she lived in Berlin. A year after that, […]

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Mansell Edith

Edith Mansell Edith worked at Cadbury’s where she was a long-term activist for the Transport and General Workers Union. A highly motivated trades unionist, she would go to work early so as to meet members […]