
Cohen Eric
Eric Cohen Eric Cohen was born in 1912 to Jewish parents who came to Liverpool from Russia at the beginning of the century. After school he trained and became a chartered accountant but joined the […]

Cohen June
June Cohen June Cohen was elected as a Communist Councillor for the rural seat of Great Yeldham, Halstead Rural District Council, Essex at precisely 9pm on Tuesday 9th May 1967, on the same day she […]

Cohen Hymie
Hymie Cohen Cohen was a Londoner and life-long member of the Communist Party, He worked in the clothing industry for over forty years and was a trade union activist all that time. He was a […]

Cohen Rose
Rose Cohen Rose Cohen was born in 1894 in London, where her father Morris (born in Poland in 1855) a “Ladies’ Costumier” had fled from Lodz with his family to escape persecution. The 1911 […]

Cohen Monty
Monty Cohen Monty Cohen joined the Communist Party after a United Front meeting at the greyhound stadium in Tredegar, at which Ernie Benson and W H Mainwaring, MP, spoke. Cohen was a prize winning […]

Cohen Jack
Jack Cohen Born in 1906, Cohen was a member of the YCL EC in 1924-1925, when he was editor of Young Worker. Of Jewish background, he was especially active during the 1930s anti-fascist struggles and […]

Cohen Gerry
Gerry Cohen As a YCL full-time worker, he was Midlands District Secretary and then, in 1953, the National Organiser. Cohen (pictured below in the early 1970s) then became Midlands Daily Worker correspondent, and then began work […]