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McGowan Duncan (Cllr)

Duncan McGowan McGowan was elected as a Communist councillor for the Dumbartonshire County Council. He was also one of the leading lights in the campaign against Polaris in the early 1960s

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McArthur John Cllr

John McArthur McArthur was a miner active in the United Mineworkers of Scotland, which had been formed in 1929 as a `red’ union under the leadership of Abe Moffat. Its office was initially in Glasgow […]

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Stalford Danny Cllr

  Cllr `Danny' (D.D. or Denzil David) Stalford Denzil David Stalford, better known as “Danny” Stalford, was born at Camberwell, South London on the 19th February 1915, the son of Denzil Stalford Snr, who ran […]