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Jones Jack (Wales)

Jack Jones Not to be confused with his namesake, the leader of the T&G, Jack Jones was briefly a Communist in the Welsh mining valleys and always a chameleon type figure in the political sphere […]

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Johnston Roy Dr

Dr Roy Johnston Roy Johnston was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1929; his father, Joseph Johnston, had been a Protestant "Home Ruler" farmer from the Dunganon area of Tyrone and a member of the Irish […]

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Johnston Archie

Archie Johnston    Archie Johnston was a journalist from the mid-30s until the 1950s, who came originally from Aberdeen.   When the Spanish Civil War started, he owned a hotel with his wife at Lloret […]

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Jones Mervyn

Mervyn Jones One of four children, Mervyn Jones was born 27th February 1922in Londonto a comfortable upbringing. His father was Ernest Jones, the chief administrator, biographer, and chief supporter of Sigmund Freud. He was instrumental […]

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Joss William

William Joss Willie (sometimes Bill in later years) Joss was a founder member of the Communist Party, born in 1879 in Scotland. He was won to Marxian socialism, especially on economics, by hearing William Gee […]

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Jane “Mrs and Mr”

  Mrs Jane and Mr Jane The husband and wife team were Communist Party members in Blackburn, Lancashirein the 1930s. In 1932, they stood as Communist candidates in the November council elections. Mrs Jane contested Trinity […]

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Jameson Derek

Derek Jameson Perhaps a little peculiar to place within a collection of mostly interesting and admirable Communists and ex-Communists, Jameson is much more well-known for being notorious as the editor of the News of the […]

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Jones Wally

Wally Jones Jones grew up in Stepney, roaming the back streets and alleys of Wapping. He became a London docker at the Royal Docks, rising to become Chairman of the London Dockers’ Liaison committee. He […]

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Johnson Charley

Charley Johnson This piece is by Charlie Johnson himself I was born in a little terraced house at 39, Elbow Street, Old Hill, Staffordshire, on 19th July 1924 the youngest of four. One died in infancy […]