John D. Kay
Born in 1927, John Kay worked for most of his professional life as an architect at the Department of Education, where to quote from an article he wrote entitled Old Times, New Times: "We were helping to develop new types of buildings – schools and colleges called for by the 1944 Education Act… we [building professionals] should try and work in ways that as far as possible co-operative, not hierarchical and provide equal opportunities, and are directly in touch with the users of the buildings …"
A particular interest of his was lighting, in which field he became a recognised authority.
At the end of the war he joined and became a very active member of the CPGB, and a long-standing active member of the Marx Memorial Library. After 1991, he wasa founder member of the short-lived Democratic Left. A memento of his work is the book-case, designed by him in memory of Alex Gossip (1862-1952).
He was a founder and very active member of the William Morris Society, and Chair of the Kelmscott House Trust.
The driving force of the successful touring exhibition "William Morris and Crafts Today" in 1996, the centenary year of William Morris's death, he was an influential member of many other societies.
He died in 1999.
Andrew Rothstein and Maureen Rothstein: MML Bulletin Spring 2000 (courtesy of David Grove).
John served on the committee of the MML for some years in his capacity as architect.
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