Burfield Diana

Diana was born in Milford on Sea, Hampshire, then brought up in Lee, South London, and went to the John Roan school in Greenwich. She was evacuated from there, and ended her schooldays at Harrow Weald grammar school.When she was at Bedford College, London, she changed from modern languages to psychology and anthropology, joined the Communist Party and spent a month in 1946 as a pioneer building a Yugoslav railway.

Probably during the 1950s, she drifted out of the Party.

She was the main force during the 1960s behind Tavistock Publications Diana Burfield, where she commissioned the first English translation of Foucault. She then moved from one short-term job to another, as teacher, medical helper, market researcher, industrial psychologist, and editor of a short-story magazine.

In the 1970s she did a PhD at the University of Bath about theosophy then became involved in Artemis Secondhand Books in Cowley Road, Oxford. In her retirement years, in Witney, Oxfordshire, she started writing.Diana Burfield died aged 83.

Source: The Guardian 29th January 2012

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