Robson Peter

Peter Robson


Robson worked at the Lots Road Power station in Fulham and was a member of the ETU electricians union’s West Supply branch and a delegate from it to Fulham TUC.


A resident of Hammersmith, West London, he lived in a council house with his wife and three children. Robson, then aged 45, stood as the Communist Party candidate at the 1966 General Election for the constituency of Fulham. The decision to stand a Communist candidate for Fulham was taken following the Communist Party fielding local Communist candidates in the GLC elections of 1964.


Shortage of housing was the overriding local issue with over five and half thousand on the council housing waiting list. Robson's election leaflet also attacked Michael Stewart, Labour’s Foreign Minister. “t is also common knowledge that very many members and supporters of Fulham Labour Party are nauseated by Mr Stewart's uncritical support for American aggression in Vietnam …May I suggest that the best way for members and supporters of Fulham Labour Party to support their aspirations in this election is by voting for me? I am the only candidate standing for the socialist principles which Mr Stewart has abandoned.”

Peter Robson helped in getting a group from Lots Road (Fulham) Power Station to the 1st March 1966 demonstration against the Government’s Bill on trade unions and the Prices and Incomes Board. They were joined by a group of National Union of Railwaymen (now RMT) from the area and from Lillie Road and Earls Court depots of London Transport underground railway.

Michael Walker
Source: Comment 19 March 1966



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