Young Amicia

Amicia Young


Born in 1914 as Amicia More Melland, she married Enrique Teophilio Bassadone in Southwark in 1942, although the marriage did not last.

Amicia joined the Communist Party in 1945.

She met Commander Edgar Young (see separate entry), the Communist supporter (fellow traveller as some would say) in 1948 when Amicia was Assistant Editor of the New Central European Observer. Two years later, they married.

As Dr Amicia Young, she worked as a scientist and was a prominent member of the Association of Scientific Workers (ASW) (later to merge with ASTMS, which then became part of MSF).  She was an active member of the Central London branch of her union, official historian of the ASW, and editor of its journal 'Scientific Worker'. 

She was also a founder member and secretary of the British Council (later Campaign) for Peace in Vietnam (formed in April 1965).

Amicia was also active in CND and generally as a publicist and writer.




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