Ellis Ernie

Ernie Ellis

Ernie Ellis was a 19 year old Young Communist League (YCL) member from Walthamstow (London) who died during the Second World War, serving as a part-time ARP Warden.

It was said that he took his air-raid protection duties as seriously as did his involvement in the working clas movement. 

A YCL member from the time he left school, he held dual membership of the YCL and the Communist Party .

According to the Daily Worker it was reported that "Every duty he under took he did conscientiously and well"

Ellis was killed while undertaking his ARP responsibilities on 5th October 1940 by an anti-aircraft shell, at the beginning of the London Blitz.

He was buried with full Civil defence honours, the funeral taking place on Friday 11th October 1940 in the early days of the London Blitz.

Michael Walker
Source: Daily Worker
12th October 1940

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