Bailey Jack

Jack Bailey

The Communist Party’s East London Area Daily Worker organiser in the early 1960s, Bailey reported in the Party press in 1961 that the Daily Worker “pitch is part of the Hackney scene. Manned by a rota of six comrades from 9:30 am to 3pm, sales are up from 26 to 104 on Saturdays since March.”

It was reported that sales in London of the Saturday special edition of the Daily Worker, which ran to six of the large `broadsheet’ pages then standard for newspapers, were up by 300 in early October, and nationally by some 18,000. On October 28th, it was announced that national Saturday sales had hit 19,484 extra copies.

Twenty new members joined the Communist Party’s Tudor branch in Hackney, covering the central part of the borough from around March to October 1961 just from the branch’s Saturday pitch. 

Michael Walker
Source: World News November 1961

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