Chinnery Frank

Frank Chinnery

From 1939, Chinnery served in the Palestine Police Force but, in the post-war period he was a Communist Party full timer or on the staff of the Daily Worker.

Chinnery spearheaded a Daily Worker circulation drive tour which started in September 1957. Between September and December 1957, the Daily Worker publicity van tour (Around Britain in Ninety Days) travelled over 5,000 miles and sold 2,560 copies of the Daily Worker. Ninety six factory gate meetings and 257 street meetings were held in thirty five towns.

Chinnery said that in “the nine years I have spent in full time work for the Communist Party, all of them out on the streets, with a loudspeaker van, have proved to me that the working people of our country are worried about jobs, homes, pensions and above all peace; that they are looking for an answer; and that only the party and its paper the Daily worker can even begin to show them the only way forward to a better life.”

Chinnery later lived in Ilford and was involved in a major local tenant’s struggle there.

Source World News “Around Britain in Ninety Days” 18th January 1958

Michael Walker


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