Page Christina

Christina Page

Christina Page was a constant campaigner for more women on the TUC general council. After she was awarded the TUC gold badge — the movement’s highest award — by president Tom Jackson in 1979, she noted that just two out of 42 general council members were women.

Born into a Tory household, she joined the Labour Party in 1945 in north Norfolk, where her husband Wilf Page (see separate entry) was party agent. They both joined the Communist Party.

Ms Page won a seat on the USDAW executive in 1964, holding it until 1983, two years after she had narrowly missed out on election to the TUC general council. For many years, she was the only woman on the 17-member USDAW executive.

Renowned as one of the hardest-working trade unionists in East Anglia, she was secretary of Cromer Trades Council and served on her regional TUC, as well as representing the TUC on the National Women’s Commission.

Christina Page died aged 77 in 1997.

Source: Morning Star 3rd September 1997


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