Sean Morrisey
The following article is reproduced from World Marxist Review (February 1980) by the Education Officer for Amagamated Transport Transport & General Workers Union, as the former T&G was known in Ireland.
Before joining the Communist Party (of Ireland) I belonged to various political organisations. I read a lot about the problems confronting working people, and works by James Connolly and other outstanding personalities of the labour movement. Also, I learned about international problems, and the substance of imperialist policy.
For that reason I had to determine which was really socialist. For about two years I studied the attitude of the Communists and the Programme of the Communist Party. And I made my choice.
It would be hard to tell about the entire range of the work the Irish Communists are doing. But I should like to mention a new form of our work
that has proved effective. I refer to the Community Organisation of
Of course, this does not imply that in working to develop a community consciousness we forget that there is a fundamental distinction between it and class consciousness. Our aim is to develop community consciousness to a level which will allow the people to see that the present socio- economic system is reactionary and conflicts with their interests. The road to this lies through traditional forms of social struggle, through struggle for full employment and a higher living standard.
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