Morrisey Sean

Sean Morrisey

The following article is reproduced from World Marxist Review (February 1980) by the Education Officer for Amagamated Transport Transport & General Workers Union, as the former T&G was known in Ireland.

Before joining the Communist Party (of Ireland) I belonged to various political organisations. I read a lot about the problems confronting working people, and works by James Connolly and other outstanding personalities of the labour movement. Also, I learned about international problems, and the substance of imperialist policy.

Gradually, as I read about socialist ideas and practice, I came to the conclusion that my path was with those who shared the socialist world outlook. True, there are many parties that proclaim socialist principles.

For that reason I had to determine which was really socialist. For about two years I studied the attitude of the Communists and the Programme of the Communist Party. And I made my choice.

It would be hard to tell about the entire range of the work the Irish Communists are doing. But I should like to mention a new form of our work
that has proved effective. I refer to the Community Organisation of
West Belfast, where the ruling circles have kindled particularly strong religious

In it, the Communists have welded together hitherto irreconcilable Protestants and Catholics-—ordinary people living in different districts as though in different countries but equally exploited by the capitalists. Our example was followed in other districts of Northern Ireland. Today there are about 500 community organisations, whose work is coordinated by our Community Organisation of Northern Ireland.

Of course, this does not imply that in working to develop a community consciousness we forget that there is a fundamental distinction between it and class consciousness. Our aim is to develop community consciousness to a level which will allow the people to see that the present socio- economic system is reactionary and conflicts with their interests. The road to this lies through traditional forms of social struggle, through struggle for full employment and a higher living standard.

When we explain the actual reasons for unemployment and the worsening living conditions to the workers, we show them that vital problems can be resolved not by patching up contradictions but by fundamentally changing the present socio-economic system. Our Party’s strength lies in its ability to bring this truth home to the people.

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