Booth Syd

Syd Booth

Booth joined the Communist Party in 1933 amidst the struggles against unemployment but his defining experience was as an International Brigader in the Spanish Civil War. He was wounded in the very last engagement undertaken by the British Battalion of the International Brigade, shortly before it was withdrawn from the conflict. Syd received seven bullet wounds, one of which resulted in an injury to his knee, which had to have a steel pin inserted.
He was a long-time railway worker and later a warehouseman. In later years he began to creatively paint extensively. A self taught artist, he used his talent to raise funds for the Morning Star. In his mature years, he was active in the Manchester pensioners’ movement. He was the founder member and first Secretary of the Manchester TUC Pensioners and Trades Unionists Association and first editor of “Grey Power’. Booth died on 19th June 1987, aged 77 years.
Source: Morning Star June 20th 1987

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