Aisbitt Tom

Tom Aisbitt Thomas Aisbitt was a veteran of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Communist Party. He was a close friend of Dave Atkinson (see separate entry), a fellow Communist.Tom was a prominent member of the woodworkers union. In […]

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Ratcliff John

John Ratcliff After retiring from banking, John Ratcliffe went to work as a volunteer for the Morning Star in the events department.   Since stamp collecting was one of his passions, one of his task […]

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Ramelson Marian

Marian Ramelson Marian Jessop joined the Communist Party in 1932, after regularly attending Sunday night meetings on the Town Hall Square. Her father, Tom Jessop, was a leading member of the AEU in Leeds and […]

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Rawlins Joe

Joe Rawlins Joe Rawlins joined the Communist Party in 1920 and helped set up the Birkenhead branch, staying a member until his death in 1978. Chair of the Birkenhead branch of the National Union of […]

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Recordon John

John Recordon A member of the Paddington YCL, Recordon joined the British Battalion in Spain in 1936 as a machine gunner and then fought in World War II.   Afterwards, he was convenor at Palmer […]

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Reeve Harry

Harry Reeve An active member of the Communist Party from 1922, Reeve was a participant in the General Strike in the Woolwich area.   He was a staunch supporter of the Morning Star during the […]

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Saville John

John Saville John Saville is mainly remembered as an academic historian but was for many years from the start of his university days, and for the next 22 years, a Communist Party member.   Left: […]

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Sharp George

George Sharp George Sharp was from a railway family and was, in his youth, an active trade unionist and leading light in the Young Communist League. He won a council seat his home village of […]

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Siffleet Arthur

Arthur Siffleet The 1920s Communist, Arthur Siffleet, wrote a working class novel "The Broken Baton" (1926) about miners fighting back against police brutality during the lock out that followed the general strike.  It deals with […]

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Sinfield George

George Sinfield George Sinfield was born on January 22nd 1899 in Hoxton, London, one of a family of twelve. He started work in 1913 as a tea packer, then worked in a locksmiths, and ended […]