Margaret Woodis
Born 7th March 1926, she first became an active member of the Communist Party whilst associated with London's Unity Theatre after the war. Marriage to Jack Woodis took her to Vienna, where he worked for the World Federation of Trades Unions and she for a peace organisation. After their return to Britain, she joined the clerical staff of the London district office.
Left: Margaret Woodis at the 1945 YCL Congress
In 1968, she became the Essex District Organiser and then District Secretary. Later, she became secretary to the Party's Executive Committee and to General Secretary, Gordon McLennan. A keen supporter of the revisionist EC leadership of the Communist Party of Great Britain in the 1980s, she enthusiastically supported the transformation of that organisation into the short-lived Democratic Left and died at the age of 68 on November 18th 1994.
Source: New Times 10th December 1994
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