Smith Harry

Harry Smith

A Yorkshireman, Harry Smith trained as a draughtsman and joined the Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen in 1939.

He was sacked for his union activities by a number of employers in Yorkshireand then moved to the Midlands.

At the age of 41, having previously been Vic-President, he became the President of the Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen. He was also the first President of the reformed Draughtsmen’s and Allied Technicians Association (DATA), which came out of the AESD. 

Pic: Harry Smith in 1960

Harry later became a national organiser for DATA’s successor organisation, the Technical and Supervisory Staffs (TASS) union. 

A member of the Communist Party for over 40 years, he briefly edited Labour Monthly and died in 1990.

Sources include: Morning Star 2nd November 1990; AESD Journal 1960

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