Reid Douggie

Douggie Reid

Dougie Reid was the leading light of the Communist Party in Corby in the 1970 and 80s. He was active in the Amalgamated engineering Union and also stood for election to the local council for the Party. 

Dougie came from Scotland like many of the workers that came to work in the steel works at Corby.

Corby Communist Party branch had a membership of around 15 to 20 at anyone time and meet regularly at Dougie Reid’s house or at the Trades and Labour Club. The Morning Star was regularly sold in the Town Centre and at the steel works.

Steel manufacturing had started in Corby in 1934 and became the main source of employment. However, in November 1979 the end of steel making in the town was announced and soon 11,000 steel workers were unemployed, sending Corby’s unemployment figures in the 1980s to above 30%.

Other key members of the branch were Charlie McIntosh (an ex-international Brigadier) and Stewart Barber, who were involved in the "sit ins" and marches around the rent/rates strike.

Douggie was married to Isobel.

Michael Walker

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