McCallum Jim

Jim McCallum

Born on 5th April 1936 in Carriden, West Lothian, McCallum was a Communist from his teens, for `Big Jim’, as he was invariably known, came from a staunch Party family. A leading union activist for two decades at Kinneil Colliery in Bo�ness on the Forth, when that closed in 1984, he was elected pit delegate, the key position in any pit, at his new colliery, Bogside, north of the Forth, within three months of transfer. A significant strategist in the NUM, he was to the fore during the great strike of 1984-5, representing the union widely, including speaking at a massive rally in Finland. He was a member of the Scottish Area NUM Executive Committee from 1972 to 1984. A key figure in the long campaign to win peace in Vietnam, he was also active in Anti-Apartheid, CND and the British-Soviet Friendship Society. Big Jim died on 15th October 1992

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Jim McCallum

Source: The Independent n.d. October 1992

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