Hyslop Jenny

Jenny Hyslop

Janet Kerr Reid was born on 13 July 1898 at 90 Westmoreland Street, Gorbals, Glasgow, the only daughter and youngest of three children of Thomas Reid (d. 1914), dairyman, and his wife, Mary Kerr Hyslop. She moved to Clydebank after her marriage in 1921. She became involved in the Clydebank Rent Strike, helping organise the campaign against increases in pre-war rents and resisting the evictions of rent strikers, and joined the Communist Party.  She served as the Party's elected councillor for the burgh's 5th Ward, from 1938-1946. Involved in the management of the Clydebank Co-operative Society and a member of the Women's Co-operative Guild, she became a senior air raid warden during the Second World War – the first female ARP Sectional Head in the West of Scotland – and organised rescue operations during the Clydebank Blitz in 1941, when her own house was destroyed.

She is pictured on the balcony of her house in the Terraces above Second Avenue, Clydebank. Jenny Hyslop died in 1989.

Source: http://www.theclydebankstory.com/

A short interview with Jenny can be found at 2.50:

Thanks to Jimmy McGeachy.

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