Dan Cohen
During the Second World War, Cohen was a RAF pilot, initially flying Lancaster bombers. Later, he was a pilot in a Pathfinder Squadron, a highly dangerous target-seeking role.
Cohen was an active Communist in the Harrow Road ward of Paddington Borough the 1940s. (Pictured) In 1947, a fascist named John Preen stood in the ward. Cohen’s meetings were disrupted, hus car overturned, and he was physically assaulted. Preen vainly tried to sue Cohen for libel for calling him a fascist.
He worked in the furniture trade and was on the London Council of his union, the Association of Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians (ASSET), which later was to partially form ASTMS.
Sources: We Fight Fascists: The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-war Britain by Daniel Sonabend; Michael Walker
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